Trends Magazine

Employment law

TRENDS Legal Magazine – Employment Law No 8 (January-April 2023)

Data Protection and Employment


Dear Readers,

We are very pleased to present to you the third and final instalment of our TRENDS series, which has been dealing with the processing of personal data in HR management. The previous two parts have been truly unique and, thanks to the enthusiasm of our colleagues from The Law Firm Network, presented valuable contributions from different jurisdictions around the world.

Having dealt with issues relating to the processing of personal data during recruitment, onboarding and employment, we are now going to focus on the archiving and destruction of personal data of former employees. We believe that it will be interesting to learn how employees’ right to be forgotten by the employer or the employer’s right to access former employees’ emails differ in different jurisdictions.

Please let us once again express our thanks to all the contributors to this series, who were able to find time in their busy schedules and write interesting articles which give our readers not only a valuable insight into local regulations but also a unique opportunity to compare legal practices in different regions. We would also like to thank the management of The Law Firm Network for providing and organizing a platform for this series in the Trends magazine.

We would also like to thank you, our audience, for your interest in our employment-related projects. Your trust means a lot to us and we will try to come up with more interesting cross-border topics in the future. Your feedback and suggestions are very welcome.

We wish you an inspiring read.

Andrea Corr

Blandy & Blandy LLP, (UNITED KINGDOM)

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