
The Law Firm Network Organises Two New Webinars

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This spring, The Law Firm Network offers its members two new webinars.

The first one: ‘What does it mean to become a partner in a Law Firm ?’

► 20 June 2023

Will help young lawyers to learn more about the path to become a partner, the responsibilities and benefits that come with partnership and reflect about work life as an aspiring partner. Moderated by LFN Executive Director Rafael Truan, expert panelists Nick Burrows, Chairman of English member firm Blandy & Blandy and Sage Revell, recently appointed partner at US member firm Brown Rudnick, will guide attendees through the ins and outs of becoming a partner in a law firm.

The panelists will also discuss the steps that need to be taken to become a partner and share their own experiences and insights in order to becoming a succesful partner.

The second webinar: ‘Do parties have to investigate the arbitrators’ independence and impartiality? Or: Do I need to follow the arbitrators’ Twitter account?’

► 22 June 2023

Organised by the LFN Arbitration & Litigation Practice Group will revolve around the latest legal developments as to the arbitrators’ duties of independence and impartiality. Members will also share recent experiences from their home jurisdictions connecting with other dispute resolution practitioners.

The webinar will be moderated by practice group co-chairs Mohamed ElGhatit and Dr. Roland Kläger Kläger and will count with the presence of guest speaker Michael Feit, an experienced and widely recognised arbitration practitioner and Partner in the arbitration group of the Swiss law firm Walder Wyss.

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