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Argentina Dividends Payment to Non-resident Shareholders Through the Foreign Exchange Market. (MULC)


Communication “A” 7999 allows entities to subscribe to BOPREAL Bonds in local currency equivalent to pending profits and dividends for non-resident shareholders, as decided by the shareholders’ meeting.

Entities can access the “MULC” for pending profits and dividends by meeting specified requirements, utilizing funds from a local account sourced from capital and interest payments in foreign currency of the “BOPREAL” bonds, through exchange and arbitration.

Furthermore, a similar mechanism is set up for non-resident shareholders who have received profits and dividends in Argentine pesos in the country since September 1, 2019. They are permitted to subscribe to “BOPREAL” bonds for an amount in local currency equivalent to the profits and dividends received, as determined by the shareholders’ meeting, and adjusted by the latest available Consumer Price Index (CPI) on the subscription date.

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